Author: Vidyarambh Preschool & Childcare Center


Earth Day

April 22nd marks a special day for our planet – Earth Day. It’s an annual event celebrated globally to raise awareness about the significance of preserving our environment. At our preschool, we believe that it’s never too early to teach young children about the importance of taking care of our planet. To celebrate Earth Day,...


April Newsletter

 We greeted the month of March with the colors of Spring. Our teachers greeted each other for the International Women’s Day and felt proud for being in a Women run organization. We had a fun-filled celebration of Holi and remembered Sri Rama on his birthday. The month of March had the theme of “Welcome Spring”...


Women of Vidyarambh

International Women’s Day on March 8th is a day when women are recognized for their achievements. Vidyarambh, on this day, is proud to recognize the achievement of the woman who founded it and the women who are holding it high. We are happy to mention that it is an all-women team operating this 250+ students’...


January Newsletter

The winter break is over & the year 2023 is steadily pacing up! We are thrilled & excited about another fun-filled year of learning in our classrooms! January brings cold weather and snow to many parts of the country. Our theme for the month was “Winter” and our teachers planned interesting activities on winter and...

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